The first REMIT public roundtable, titled “Geopolitics and the Impact of the New Technologies in the Black Sea Region”, was held on the 9th of November at the Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The roundtable, organized by the UBB team of Professor Valentin Naumescu and PhD Researcher Oana Poiana was a hybrid side event of the EUXGLOB 3rd international conference, dedicated to the perspectives of the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood. 

The debate was moderated by Professor Valentin Naumescu, UBB Cluj, Director of the EUXGLOB Center, President of the ICDE think-tank, REMIT researcher. It gathered a significant number of distinguished experts in the field of military, diplomacy, security, geopolitics, intelligence, and cyber security. The discussion was active, informative, and focused on various topics such as EU’s geopolitical approach in the Black Sea region and the strategic influence of the euro-atlantic alliance framework, the war in Ukraine and how it changed the cyber threat landscape, the drones used in the war in Ukraine and the changing nature of warfare and systems theory in modern aviation applications.

“Geopolitics and the Impact of the New Technologies in the Black Sea Region” came at a critical and crucial moment for the entire EU, and in particular for our region, with two wars in the EU’s Eastern and Southern neighbourhoods,“ said Professor Naumescu. “The Black Sea region connects the Eastern and the Southern neighbourhoods of the EU. In both wars, advanced technologies play a major role. It is essential to understand that technology is geopolitically important not only during these wars, but it will be also decisive for the reconstruction, peace, development and multilateral cooperation of the post-war period, regardless of how the international arrangements will look like after the war.”

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